Getting Started Communication Ideas
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Utilize video when possible:

If you are making an announcement at your company meeting or at your weekly gathering, video is the most valuable communication tool to use.  

Films can move people’s hearts, convey information in an entertaining way, or show people they are part of a larger movement.

A couple of tips when using film:

  • We believe it is a crime to bore people. Make sure the film has a bit of pizzazz.
  • A film can take people to another place, and it shouldn’t merely replicate what could be done in person.
  • Keep in mind people’s attention span.  A well-made 90-second film can be more effective than a decently made 6-minute video.

Keep returning to, where we constantly offer more and more films from our award-winning team.

Make sure your leader is your initial spokesperson:

Building a reading mentor initiative within your church/business is always more effective and more fun when the entire organization participates, either as volunteers or as cheerleaders.

Your leader is the person everyone in your organization relates to and the only one who can set the tone that your literacy work is a top priority.

Encourage (insist if you can) that your CEO, Lead Pastor, or Executive Director makes the announcements and sends out many of the messages during your initial onboarding phase.

Utilize existing organizational channels:

If your company uses an internal communication system, add an occasional alert.

If your organization utilizes a newsletter or weekly email to share announcements, use that.

Does your organization utilize social media?

Does your community-of-faith have a regular prayer request list?

Work through your small-group leaders, department heads, or team-leads.

Whatever ways your organization already shares essential information is a natural place to start.

Prioritize personal invitation:

In our digital world, which is full of artificial intelligence, social media, and information overload, personal invitation is still the most effective recruitment method.

People love to be chosen…to be personally valued.

People want to do what their friends/colleagues are doing.

Many people feel isolated and lack meaning in life.  Invite them to join you in this meaning-filled adventure of literacy.

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